One of the world’s 7 remaining absolute monarchies, Vatican City is not only the smallest state in the world, but also the richest state in the world, so rich that it could end world hunger not only once, but twice. There is no doubt, however, that between the church’s priceless art, land, gold and investments across the globe, it is one of the wealthiest institutions on Earth. The amount of Church-owned land, in square kilometers, across the globe — an area slightly bigger than the huge province of Alberta in Canada. Properties include Vatican embassies, churches, cathedrals, monasteries, schools and convents. [All tax free.] Thirty years ago the Vatican bank had 10 BILLION dollars invested in foreign companies. The vaults hold at least one metric ton of gold. 31 million dollars was seized from the Vatican bank by Italian authorities during an investigation into money laundering. 2 BILLION dollars was paid out as settlements by the church for sex-abuse cases just in the United States. In 2011 one offering, the Peter’s Pence, brought in 86 million dollars. The Sistine Chapel, offers a look at how difficult it is to appraise all of this. Estimates range from $400 billion all the way up to $2 trillion for just this one masterpiece. [How can the papacy call for corporations to be more generous? “And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls….” Rev. 17:4.]